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CDs and IRAs

Certificates of Deposit

We have competitive interest rates with all the safety and security you need.

  • $1000 minimum balance requirement
  • Terms range from 91 days to 60 months
  • Interest can be paid one of the following ways:
    • Compounded (added to CD principal balance)
    • Transferred to another account

Note: Early withdrawal penalties will be assessed if the principal is withdrawn before the maturity date.

coins with growth


IRA's are a great way to defer taxes and save for retirement. Check with one of our IRA specialists for more information.

Passbook IRA

  • No minimum deposit to open
  • Interest paid semi-annually
  • There are no penalties on early withdrawals assessed by Chippewa Valley Bank; however, Federal IRA penalties are imposed on withdrawals made prior to meeting eligible age requirements.

Certificate of Deposit IRA

  • $2000 minimum deposit
  • 18, 30 or 60 month term
  • Interest compounded monthly
  • Penalties will be assessed on early withdrawals
  • Federal IRA penalties are imposed on withdrawals made prior to meeting eligible age requirements.
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